As a young leader, I knew that being known within my organization would serve me well. I also didn’t want to be that person who was obviously playing up to the influencers. I wanted genuine encounters with significant leaders that would benefit my growth and my opportunities.
So I asked the boss if I could buy a plane ticket and fly with him on one of his upcoming trips. I told him I just wanted a couple hours to ask about his leadership insights. Not only did he accept my offer, he invited me to attend the event with him.
That, and a couple other dynamics I will share in a bit, established and enriched my relationship with the organizational leaders.
In a recent poll, you said the top three reasons CIOs leave is because of a lack of executive support, burnout and stress, and working with unrealistic expectations. In a different poll, you said that the lack of executive support specifically was due to communication disconnect.
You are not alone. Frankly, this theme has arisen in the last few conversations I’ve had with CIOs.
The Pressure Of The Immediate
Perhaps you’ve heard of the tyranny of the urgent. This is a shade different.
In the tyranny of the urgent, that which is urgent takes priority over that which is truly important. We get it.
But in the pressure of the immediate, we lose intentionality to immediacy.
When what must be intentional is ignored, you face three problems when it comes to positive tenure:
- You fail to work against a plan by which good and collaborative decisions are made.
- The perception of who you are and what you accomplish is subjective.
- You compromise energy.
Intentional Paves A Long Journey In The Right Direction
You train people how to treat you. You are in control of how people perceive you. You are not a victim of subjectivity or bias. You may experience it, but you can rise above it.
Lack of executive support, particularly where there is a communication disconnect, is never served by being reactive to the immediate. The immediate only gives you a pass/fail grade.
Executive support is grounded in their knowing who you are, what you have done, and what you can still do.
That takes intentionality on your part. When I advise leaders to be proactive in being known, I encourage three practices.
First, become a learner. Just like my airplane strategy, find opportunities to come alongside C-Suite members, ask them good questions, and let them talk (especially about themselves and their insights). Positioning yourself as a learner is far better than posturing yourself as an expert. Seekers find.
(Exception to the rule: If an executive comes to you for an answer you should have, have it or get it fast).
Second, find ways to report progress, especially wins, and especially wins of your team members. Celebrating what a person has done, and making sure as many people know about it as possible, is always welcome. Executives love a story that makes working with the company look and feel good. (And it keeps you in front of them).
Third, ask for help. It’s a bit different than being a learner because the focus here is on your department and initiatives. Marketing has plenty to teach you about positioning a solution; HR is happy to talk about team morale; the Cs, to the degree you have access, don’t mind talking about implications of how you are thinking.
In sum, get executives on your side of the table. You naturally sit across from them; move them alongside you, and over time they ask you to sit on their side of the table.
Unrealistic expectations result from not working against a plan. I’ve seen it frequently of late. For all of our competence to plan, we operate without one that is lined up with the company goal, establishes the objectives and key results to accomplish the goal, and fails to track the developments and delays toward the goal.
Plans neutralize you versus them. Plans are your friend because they are the enemy of someone else’s agenda, particularly those born in the urgent or the immediate. Plans certainly champion your team. Roles, responsibilities and expectations are clearly defined, understood, and measured.
Plans are intentional designs of your time, energy, ability and money.
As well, the beauty of plans born in collaboration with others is that now the plan has more implications than just my department. A change in your plan is a change for other departments who are depending on you and you on them.
Burnout and stress is a lack of intention to preserve energy. Stress is your response to a perceived threat; stressors trigger this reaction. Stress, left unaddressed, harms you. You must close the stress.
For example, you are walking in your neighborhood and an escaped lion from the nearby zoo charges you. That’s a stressor. Your body goes into hyper-flight, your mind thinks you are going to die, and you barely but safely make it inside your house. You are huffing, puffing, shaking and crying. That’s stress.
Closing the stress is speaking the truth that the lion is no longer a threat, the situation was unusual and is over, and that you are safe. You can also relax your body at this point by a good laugh, breathing, or telling the story.
I remind you of the science because handling stress is an intentional effort as important as eating well, exercising rightly, and sleeping soundly.
Instead, we play tough.
The problem you might face is that your work is full of stressors which put you in a constant state of stress in which it is hard for you to close the stress cycle.
Left unchecked, you will burn out. Which is why we come back to intentionality.
You must intentionally examine common stressors and evaluate how to minimize them, even if elimination requires hard conversations. Not all people are affected by the same stressors. We teach people how to treat us or they will treat us the same way they treat everyone else.
You must make peace a priority again; what beneficial habits will help your body and emotions regulate?
Intentionality is hard work. You must evaluate well, exercise keen analysis, deploy boundaries, utilize your calendar, and maintain a supportive network.
The opposite is to continue to live in immediacy, which will demand of you what you cannot give and drain you of what you once had.
Intentional is professional. And you are that.