
Mastermind Groups vs. Networking Events

I’m all for networking. I have met incredible people doing so. I was also lonely. No matter how much networking I was doing, I still felt as if I was working in isolation. You can be surrounded by people, but unless you have others in your life who advocate for you, you feel very much alone.

Scott Smeester


August 28, 2020

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I’m all for networking. I have met incredible people doing so.

I was also lonely. No matter how much networking I was doing, I still felt as if I was working in isolation. You can be surrounded by people, but unless you have others in your life who advocate for you, you feel very much alone.

I did something about it. I started CIO Mastermind. Nearly two years in, it has proven to be a success for one main reason: We are a learning community.

Community is an important word. We are for each other, and we create an environment where we can be honest. Learning is also an important word. Our members bring real need to the table, and with the input of years of expertise and experience of the other members, walk away with clear direction and the start of a customized solution.

As a result, stakeholders receive the benefit of immense consultative insight at a fraction of the cost, and members experience significant wins in the company of a supportive team.

I benefit from a team of people who have keen insight on how to maximize this opportunity for our members. I wouldn’t have it any other way. How are you doing? Do you feel the isolation? Do you have peers who advocate for real needs and press in to your success?

CIO Mastermind is expanding. Let me know if I can help you benefit from it.

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