CIO Leadership

The CIO Paradox: Meet with the "Competition" to beat the Competition

Your professional growth runs into resistance. Steal best practices from other professions to make your case.

Scott Smeester


July 11, 2024

Photo credit:
Jonathan Olsen-Koziel

“It’s just a vibe to be around people that are of the same mindset, trying to do the same, [who] have the same goals.” Cam Jordan, New Orleans Saints

Why would best in class performers share insights with competitors?

Welcome to The Sack Summit.

60 defensive linemen from the National Football League gathered together, led by the best pass rushers in the league, including Maxx Crosby of the Raiders, Cam Jordan of the Saints, and Von Miller of the Bills (and Broncos, thank you).

This is the eighth year the event has been held. They meet to perfect the art of rushing the passer.

According to Miller, “The Sack Summit is a place where all the great pass rushers and the young pass rushers in the NFL can come and talk the same language and really share their mindsets. I’ve always been a big believer iron sharpens iron, and this is a place where we could do that.”

“It’s constant, never-ending improvement,” added Crosby.

When asked why he would be willing to help opponents, Jordan laughed and said, “I’m here to steal. I’m here to pull thievery.” Then he said, “Whatever I bring to the table, I want you to take from me, because I’m gonna try and take everything from you. It’s literally a trade…Knowledge is the most important.”

The final word belongs to Crosby, “If you could take one thing from this camp and apply it to your actual game, it could take you to another level.”

When You Couldn’t Say It Better

I’ve written a number of articles over the years promoting being in a learning community, or what I offer, a mastermind group.

As to why, The Sack Summit says it all. 

Iron sharpens iron. Never-ending improvement. Learn and share. Next-level game.

I know that YOU get it. 

Your CFO/CEO/funding approval source doesn’t always (or your household budgetarian).

So rather than offer another argument written by me or by someone in a similar industry, where maybe we can be wrongfully regarded as biased to mastermind groups, I offer this article.

Here is the link:

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