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Talent Acquisition

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The Critical Factor Your CEO Overlooks When It Comes To AI

Your CEO can be as pro-AI as any, but if they don’t take this one thing into account, AI will become a monstrous force against the company.

Scott Smeester


June 27, 2024

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April 22, 2021


Scott Smeester

Why Women Must Rise As Technology Leaders

We need more women in technology leadership roles because of the strength that comes from how they have been shaped and what they have overcome.
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July 21, 2020


Scott Smeester

To Remote Or Not To Remote

The benefits of remote work are without question, but that still doesn’t mean it is best for your company. How do you know if remote work is for you? A number of questions here will help you work through to the answer.
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April 4, 2020


Joe Woodruff

Essential ACTS of Effective CEOs and CIOs: Talent Magnets

Talent magnets look for candidates who bring potential and invest in their own development while attracting those candidates with a compelling brand, future value and an enriched experience.
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