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Self Preservation

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Regaining Confidence In You And Your IT Team

Confidence is the product of what I call Near Leadership. You get alongside (to focus and to educate) to help others get ahead.

Scott Smeester


October 24, 2024

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May 25, 2023


Joe Woodruff

This One Reason Is Why CIOs Are More Intelligent Than AI

Effective technology leaders are driven by a certain obsession. Fail to be consumed by it, and the work you put out will be a box to check but hardly art you can’t wait to display.
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May 4, 2023


Joe Woodruff

When CIOs Run Into Old School CEOs

Old-school CEOs need to be re-educated by CIOs who only know how to be lifelong learners, innovators and adaptors. The key is understanding the difference between mindset and mentality, between what they view and how they see.
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April 20, 2023


Scott Smeester

How CIOs Keep Their CEOs From Quitting

CEOs are quitting. A major reason cited is because they don’t have the skills to lead their company into transformation. The problem is, people misunderstand transformation. CIOs don’t. And that is why the CIO needs to help keep their CEO from quitting prematurely.
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April 6, 2023


Scott Smeester

Improving CIO Confidence For All Things Future.

The CIO role is always changing. Now, some say it is soon to be on its way out. Is the CIO going to be replaced by the technology they have championed? No. You are more than a Chief Information Officer. You are the Chief Insight Officer. And that is key.
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March 16, 2023


Scott Smeester

Why CxOs Must Stop Following This Popular But Absurd Communication Advice (and stop now)!

Leaders are being misled in how to communicate, whether to one or many. Following this advice will leave you confused and frustrated. Taking back your power will leave you and your listeners better off for what you said and how you said it.
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January 5, 2023


Scott Smeester

Leaders Lead Leaders: How technology leaders rise above regardless of where they rank

Leaders lead leaders. They can’t help it, but they can own it and be more effective in it. The first of four strategies is to serve by being clear and unapologetic about the value you bring. There are three areas in which you must do so: What can’t be contained in you, What can’t be denied from you, and What you must handle with care.
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