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Political Awareness

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The CIO Paradox: Meet with the "Competition" to beat the Competition

Your professional growth runs into resistance. Steal best practices from other professions to make your case.

Scott Smeester


July 11, 2024

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March 16, 2021


Scott Smeester

CIO Leadership Mastery: Three Perspectives That Will Make You Larger Than Life (no cape required)

The CIO has an opportunity to make deep impressions in the life of their company and the lives of their people. They just need to keep three things in view: the need for more, the pace of momentum and the leverage of opportunity.
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November 2, 2020


Scott Smeester

Why Every CIO Needs an Advocate

Every leader needs an advocate who serves as a champion, guide and resource for each leader’s identity, success and experience of supportive community.
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October 19, 2020


Joe Woodruff

What Boards Don't Know Will Hurt You

We have never been in better days for the CIO to be at the table, and for the CEO to shed the burden of trying to represent the critical dynamics of technology that must influence board decisions.
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September 30, 2020


Scott Smeester

Three Dynamics For The CIO To Improve Any Office Relationship

Office relationships don’t need conflict resolution. It won’t work. Some say ‘cart before the horse’ but I say you need the right environment before you do the right things. Three dynamics create the environment needed for healthy office relationships, and these three alone will improve any relationship: affirmation, acceptance and advocacy.
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September 2, 2020


Scott Smeester

What the CIO Needs To Know About Office Politics

Too many CIOs know how to win in the realm of technology but then lose in the arena of political leverage. I’ve learned 7 insights that help me come out on top. The first is to engage it, not avoid it. What follows are the rules of engagement.
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